Psychiatry Consultation Line (PCL): A new program in operation since Jand operated by UW, PCL provides 24/7 support to prescribing providers from primary care clinics, community hospitals, emergency departments, substance use treatment programs, evaluation and treatment programs, and municipal and county jails caring for adult patients with mental health and/or substance use disorders.Perinatal Psychiatry Consultation Line for Providers (PAL for Moms): A two-year pilot program that began Januand operated by the University of Washington (UW), this service supports providers caring for patients with behavioral health disorders who are pregnant, postpartum, or planning pregnancy.

Mental Health Referral Service for Children and Teens: A two-year pilot program that began Januand operated by Seattle Children’s Hospital, it connects patients and families with available evidence-based outpatient mental health services in their community.Partnership Access Line (PAL): Operated by Seattle Children’s Hospital for more than 10 years, this line supports primary care providers with questions about children’s mental health care such as diagnostic clarification, medication adjustment, or treatment planning.